“As a self-managed informal network of active citizens, we are determined to ensure that local knowledge, experience and diverse voices influence local planning decisions”
Local Network Member
Diverse Voices in Planning
Southwark, London
meet ...
Southwark Planning Network

Our why
Urban development in Southwark has left many residents feeling
disconnected from the places they call home. Residents have come together in community groups to engage with the planning system and try to get their voices heard. Unfortunately, these groups face a lot of structural barriers.
Our idea
Southwark Planning Network (SPN) connects community groups and residents that are engaging with planning developments across the borough. Through this network, they share experiences and information and give each other mutual support.
Our work focuses on understanding how local people use their areas and what they see as their needs, to enable communities to present their values and needs more forcefully and to influence planning outcomes. We promote community and grassroots leadership and are championing local benefit of
With Footwork's support ...
Southwark Planning Network will be able to reach underrepresented communities within the borough and build on their success as a powerful advocate for local residents and groups in the planning process.
Southwark Planning Network
The Southwark Planning Network (SPN) is a self-managed informal network of active citizens.