“Work on the ideas that your community think are worth working on”
Marie, CEO of Future Wolverton
Working Men's Social Club
Wolverton, Milten Keynes
meet ...

Our Why
In February 2022, Milton Keynes Council undertook a public consultation to assess the extent to which the post 16 needs of autistic young people and adults were being met by the existing training provision. 99% of respondents said that needs were not being met, and that there was a sense that young people were “forgotten once they finished their formal education.” Future Wolverton has many individual stories from disabled young people who have struggled to access support.
Our Idea
We want to develop and enhance our work-related learning placements, expanding our operations to another heritage asset (Wolverton Working Men’s Club), extending the reach and enhancing and developing the expertise of our committed staff team.
We will only be able to expand training opportunities if we expand into new premises and deliver expanded services, thereby creating new real-work placements doing meaningful tasks. Future Wolverton is therefore exploring the acquisition of a further community building, Wolverton Central Working Men’s Club. Future Wolverton nominated this building (which has been vacant for over 3 years) as an asset of community value in April 2022, and we are in the process of exploring the business case for bringing the building back into use.
With Footwork's support ...
Marie and her team aim to achieve their ambition of acquiring and redeveloping Wolverton Central Working Men's Club, an amazing heritage asset which has been empty and unused since January 2018, helping Future Wolverton develop and enhance their work-related learning which meet the needs of the most disadvantaged in their community.
Future Wolverton
Future Wolverton is a Community Benefit Society with a mission to establish Wolverton as a thriving and sustainable town within the city of Milton Keynes.