“This project is an opportunity to co-design intergenerational, inclusive and diverse community infrastructure in a working class area, and by working collaboratively we'll be able to reach more people in meaningful and innovative ways.”
Linda, Founder of RivelinCo
Reimagining Hillsborough
Hillsborough, Sheffield
meet ...
Linda and Emily

Our why
There’s a lack of cultural infrastructure and investment in North Sheffield; also a high level of deprivation, community division, and anti-social behaviour. Approximately 40% of high street shops in Hillsborough, where we're based, are empty, yet planning consent is given for redevelopments of shop premises into unaffordable residential projects, making money for absent landlords who don’t see the negative impact on the people and place. Our search for a shop to use as our office and a community space proved fruitless for a long time!
Our idea
We describe ourselves as a 'neighbourhood arts centre without walls', with our programme taking place in public spaces such as empty shops, community centres, schools, care homes, and parks. We’re co-creating projects where people live and already are, rather than asking them to come to us - often a barrier for many. We finally have a premises on the high street and we’re in the process of renovating it to be the catalyst for our activities in the community.
Our vision is to be part of building a better kind of neighbourhood, which fully supports its community, and whose community also supports each other. To achieve this, we need to continue building infrastructure, capacity, consistency and trust.
With Footwork's support ...
Linda and Emily aim to strengthen their presence on the high street, starting with the transformation of their shop front. By developing community and cultural uses for the site, and building on local people’s ideas for the neighbourhood.
RivelinCo is a neighbourhood arts centre without walls. We transform parks, supermarkets, community centres, high streets, car parks, empty shops, libraries, schools, and care homes into theatres, cinemas, galleries, workshops, classrooms and forums.